Portsmouth manager reveal key element of their January transfer plans…

The Portsmouth manager, John Mousinho, has revealed that he’s considering the loan market as a key element of their January transfer plans. He emphasized the need to carefully assess potential transfers while considering the cohesiveness of his current squad, which has performed well in League One so far.

Mousinho has mentioned that they might explore the possibility of acquiring a new winger when the January transfer window opens. Temporary loan deals are likely to be the preferred route, given the flexibility in their current loan player quota.

Currently, Portsmouth has three loan players: Alex Robertson, Abu Kamara, and Tino Anajorin, and they can include up to five loan players in a matchday squad. One concern in the past has been losing loan players who are performing exceptionally well, as parent clubs often have the option to recall them in January. However, this wouldn’t apply to the temporary loan deals made in the winter window.

Mousinho is aware that circumstances can change between now and January, and discussions within the club’s football operations are focused on the use of loans in the upcoming transfer window. He stated that they will evaluate each signing opportunity on a case-by-case basis, taking into account their current squad’s composition. They might sometimes decline opportunities based on their existing squad, while other times, they might make exceptions and consider changes.

Currently, they have some flexibility due to the available loan spots, and they still have two open slots for loans. However, Mousinho emphasized that they are in the early stages of planning for January, and a lot can change in the two-and-a-half months before the window opens.

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