REPORT: Golden State Warriors connections in the realm of sports management, ranging from Swansea City to prominent NBA franchise…

Oaktree Capital, the new owners of Inter Milan, have notable connections in sports management, ranging from Swansea City to NBA franchises like the Golden State Warriors. This revelation comes from the Milan-based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, as reported by FCInterNews.

Contrary to previous speculation that Oaktree had little interest in actively managing a football club, it has become evident that they intend to oversee Inter for the foreseeable future. The US-based fund, led by investment guru Howard Marks and co-President Bruce Karsh, sees strategic value in holding onto Inter to increase its worth before a potential sale.

While Marks and Karsh may not directly manage Inter, the newspaper reports that two Oaktree representatives, Alejandro Cano and Katherine Ralph, have already assumed prominent roles in the club’s operations. Fluent in Italian, Cano and Ralph are likely to play key roles on the new board of directors for Inter.

Additionally, Oaktree co-founder Stephen Kaplan, known for his involvement in sports, including ownership of Swansea City and co-presidency of DC United, is also a potential candidate for involvement in Inter’s management. Kaplan is also a minority shareholder in the Memphis Grizzlies NBA franchise.

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