BREAKING: Pittsburgh Penguins are making a concerted effort to bring hockey legend Jaromir Jagr back into their fold…

Jaromir Jagr is undoubtedly a legendary figure in the NHL, particularly in the illustrious history of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Last February, he received a ceremony to retire his iconic #68 jersey, solidifying his bond with the city of Pittsburgh.

Since the tribute, the Penguins have been actively pursuing Jagr to join their organization, with recent efforts going above and beyond. The team even traveled to Prague during the World Hockey Championships to personally meet with Jagr. The tournament highlighted Jagr’s immense popularity in the Czech Republic, a testament to his remarkable career as the second-highest scorer in NHL history, still actively playing at the age of 52.

Pittsburgh is eager to offer Jagr a role in their front office, allowing him to work remotely from his home in Kladno, Czech Republic. This arrangement mirrors that of Vincent Lecavalier with the Montreal Canadiens, who also operates from home in his operations role.

For Jagr, the opportunity to work from home holds significant value, enabling him to remain in Europe and stay close to his professional club in Kladno. Additionally, there’s speculation that Jagr might even lace up for a few more games next year, marking his 37th professional year. His extensive career has seen him play alongside athletes from the 1970s in the NHL, an impressive feat indeed.

While Jagr wasn’t competing in the NHL 44 years ago, at least one player from one of the Stanley Cup Finalist teams has played with him since the 1980 edition. Such longevity and interconnectedness in the sport are remarkable.

Bringing someone of Jagr’s stature into the Penguins organization would undoubtedly benefit the team as they embark on a new chapter. Jagr’s existing legendary status in Pittsburgh may sway him towards accepting a position with the team. In fact, it would be surprising if he considered an NHL job anywhere else but Pittsburgh.

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