Hidden Gems: Braves’ Prospect Alvarez Grabs 98th Spot, Waldrep Surprises at 30; Smith-Shawver’s Absence Raises Questions

Baseball Prospectus recently unveiled its top 101 MLB prospects list, spotlighting two Atlanta Braves players—Hurston Waldrep and Ignacio Alvarez. Alvarez secured the 98th spot, marking recognition for his impressive achievements with the Rome Braves in 2023. The 20-year-old, known for his advanced contact bat, showcased significant growth in power last season. As he heads into the upcoming season, potentially starting in AA Mississippi, Alvarez’s development could position him as the Braves’ future starting shortstop.

Hurston Waldrep, the Braves’ 2023 first-round selection, soared to the 30th position on Baseball Prospectus’ list, signifying his rapid ascent through the Braves’ system. After concluding his debut professional season in AAA Gwinnett, Waldrep is expected to continue his progression. With a promising start in 2024, the possibility of his Major League debut by summer looms, reflecting the Braves’ tendency to expedite player promotions successfully.

Contrarily, Baseball Prospectus holds a less optimistic view of AJ Smith-Shawver compared to other outlets. Despite Smith-Shawver’s notable accomplishments in 2023, including his big-league debut and postseason roster inclusion, he did not secure a spot in the top 101 prospects list. This contrasts with his recognition in various other rankings, and the discrepancy is intriguing given his impactful performance at just 20 years old.

The Braves, with prospects like Waldrep and Alvarez, are shaping a promising future. Additionally, the recent record-breaking bonus signing of international prospect Jose Perdomo reflects the team’s commitment to nurturing young talent.

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