How a group of individuals are dedicated to rescuing Peterborough speedway in in their unwavering commitment…

The consortium, consisting of Carl Johnson, Mick Bratley, Michael Tomalin, Andy Fairchild, Dave Hewitt, and Josh Hewitt, is determined to save the club and is prepared to persevere against all odds.

They intend to acquire the Panthers from the current owner, Keith Chapman, and launch a campaign to preserve speedway at its existing East of England Arena location, despite opposition from Showground agents AEPG. A housing development project is currently seeking planning permission for the site, but the consortium believes it can be stopped.

Carl Johnson, a former Peterborough speedway team manager and promoter, spoke on behalf of the group, expressing frustration with AEPG’s obstruction. The consortium has engaged with the East of England Agricultural Society, a registered charity, which still owns a significant portion of the Showground. They received a positive response, indicating a willingness to support speedway under new ownership, as Mr. Chapman had no interest in relocating the club.

The consortium’s strategy is to contest the housing development application and work towards restoring speedway to its original track at the East of England Showground. This track has held planning permission since 1969 and does not require further approval. The group is determined to stay at this location, as it boasts a track recognized as one of the world’s best and is ready for immediate use.

The substantial number of objections from local residents in response to the housing development plans signals widespread support for retaining speedway at its current site. The consortium members have deep-rooted connections to the Panthers and have been dedicated supporters for many years, having witnessed countless meetings.

Their unwavering determination is to ensure the continuation of speedway in Peterborough, with the goal of returning to the Showground next season and for the foreseeable future. They approach this challenge with a “no-lose” attitude, committed to fighting for their cause relentlessly.

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